Safety and Security

Mandela National Stadium Ground Regulations

Notice: Entry to the Ground is expressly subject to acceptance by the visitor of these Ground Regulations, the Rules and Regulations appropriate to the relevant competition and any Ticketing Terms. Entry to the Ground shall constitute acceptance of these Ground Regulations.

Search And Bag Policies

Avoid delays - please don't bring bags to the venue. All bags will be subject to a search regime.  Large bags are not permitted and there are no left luggage facilities 

All visitors may be searched - please have your coats open and remove hats at search areas.  Some events may have specific search policies.

Free Stadium WI-FI

Free Stadium WI-FI means that you can connect with stable and fast speeds throughout the concourse and in bowl – join MANDELA and enter your details to connect. 


Family friendly Wi-Fi certification

Mandela National Stadium Wi-Fi is approved under the Friendly Wi-Fi safe certification standard. The certification shows that indecent and inappropriate material is being blocked from access to make browsing the web safe for you and your family. To find out more information visit

Alcohol Policies

Alcohol may not be consumed in view of the pitch at Association Football Matches.  No alcohol may leave the island site.


CCTV policy

CCTV and Body Worn Cameras are in use in all areas and Mandela National Stadium may use, or pass to the police or other relevant authority, any recordings for use in any proceedings to ensure the safety and security of all visitors subject to GDPR control measures..

Code Of Conduct

At  Mandela National Stadium, fan experience is paramount, and we are committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable spectator experience. In that, Mandela National Stadium for football matches fully adheres to the FA Respect Code of Conduct, which can be read here.

Guests visiting Mandela National Stadium have a right to expect an environment in which:

  • Guests will be treated in a consistent and professional manner by all stadium personnel
  • Guests will sit only in their ticketed seats, have all season and paper tickets In their possession  and show their tickets when requested.  Tickets remain the property of the event owner (WHUFC or promoter) until guests leave the stadium 
  • Guests are not permitted to smoke in the Mandela National Stadium at any time, including e-cigarettes
  • Guests will comply with reasonable requests from Stadium staff regarding public safety
  • Mandela National Stadium management reserves the right to deny entry to guests wearing clothing items or signs displaying offensive text and/or images

Anti Social Behaviour 

If you hear or see anti-social behaviour text the Club’s hotline direct on 07860 404 069 using the following  keywords:

FOUL – Language and behaviour
RACISM – Racist chanting or shouting
HPH – Homophobic chanting
DRINK – Drinking alcohol in view of the pitch
SMOKE – Smoking in the stadium
STAND – Standing up
PYRO – Pyrotechnics

All messages will be treated in the strictest confidence with each message to the hotline costing one standard message at your standard network rate.

Supporters and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behaviour to the nearest steward, or anonymously to [email protected]

Guests who choose not to abide by the Stadium and Ground rules will be subject to ejection from Mandela National Stadium without refund, with the prospect of arrest and potential prosecution.


Crowd Movement

A comprehensive road closure process is in place around major events in order to prevent conflict between vehicles and people. The stadium operates a managed exit/egress crowd management system during such times. The managed egress involves hold-and-release points to manage crowd flows.   Guests are encouraged post event to move towards the main transport hubs at Stratford stations but with the choice remaining to enjoy post event refreshments on some events. 

Generally, the egress (exit) of the crowd is complete within an hour.  A normal walk to Stratford Station on a non-match day would take 20-25 minutes. Stadium staff will be on duty at all hold-and-release points to provide reassurance and guidance, using Stop and Go signs. These are in place to ensure guest safety and security. We appreciate your co-operation.


General use of drones and remote-controlled flying models is not permitted over any area of Mandela National Stadium.  Only commercial drone activity is permitted and requires a 10-day notice period to assess and turn around applications. Applications can be made to ‘[email protected]' and must conform to CAA standards for UAV flights together with the Air Navigation Order 2009. 

Complaint Investigation

All complaints and reports of staff performance or poor fan behaviour are investigated, and appropriate actions - up to and including season ticket revocation - are undertaken.

Complaints can be made directly to [email protected].

For Mandela National Stadium events, you can view our complaints policy here...